Non-Network Childcare Policies
On Tuesday, I shared everything I’ve received around Childcare Policies for The Network. This follows my post last Friday, Are Children at Risk? I emailed the original post to representatives from Rock River Church (San Marcos, Texas), Christland Church (College Station, Texas), and Joshua Church (Austin, Texas).
A contact of mine shared a document, which is the childcare Handbook for a non-Network church in Texas. This is not an endorsement of this policy document or that church.
This document is published on the church’s website, though I have redacted all identifying marks so as not to accidentally associate that church with The Network.
I have little commentary on this because I am not an expert, but the thoroughness of it and the attention to detail struck me as far beyond anything I saw in the Network Documents.
The link above will take you to the redacted word document, but I’m also sharing the screenshots here if that’s easier to view: